Meditation &
Pranayama Breathing


Sessions that facilitate stress relief, focus, clarity and insight


Sonic Immersion & Controlled Breathing


Pranayama breathing and guided meditation are the initial steps on the path to deep meditation. Combining Pranayama breathing with a sound bath, created using gongs and a variety of resonant instruments to open the Chakras, leads to a deeper meditative state.


The gong is the most resonant instrument known to date. When the gong is played it vibrates and you not only hear it, you feel the resonances in every cell of your body. These vibrations are the most powerful resonances used in holistic healing. Its sound is comprised of various overtones. These overtones fill the space in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.


Pranayama, the practice of using a variety of breathing techniques to calm the mind, leads you to be mindful of life's most important function: breathing. Yogini Kim guides beginners and advanced practitioners through a variety of pranayama techniques that can be implemented on the yoga mat or anywhere that life gets hectic. Use them to focus during your yoga practice, to overcome stress or anxiety in any situation, or to just relax and clear your mind.

Sound Journey

A sound journey is a listening experience that helps to create a path toward meditative stillness, similar to a mantra. During a sound journey, gong pracitioner Michael O provides a soundscape that facilitates the entry into a meditative state. In turn, each listener will follow the path to their own unique destination.


There are a variety of health and metaphysical benefits to be gained from sound meditation for practitioners from all walks of life. From clarity and; insight to stress and pain relief the benefits of sounds baths are wide-ranging and universal.